速報APP / 教育 / UK Road Signs: Test and Theory

UK Road Signs: Test and Theory



檔案大小:37.2 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


UK Road Signs: Test and Theory(圖1)-速報App

The United Kingdom's traffic signs test. In this application you can learn traffic signs in a game form. Our quiz is useful for students of driving schools who are going to take an exam for the license and for experienced drivers who wants to repeat the Highway Code.

UK Road Signs: Test and Theory(圖2)-速報App

Application features:

UK Road Signs: Test and Theory(圖3)-速報App

*Two game modes: Quiz with the choice of the correct option from several answers and the mode "True or False";

UK Road Signs: Test and Theory(圖4)-速報App

*Select the road sign's category. You can choose necessary groups of road signs to exercise and guess only their;

UK Road Signs: Test and Theory(圖5)-速報App

*Two difficulty levels: in the application, you can select the number of answer options: 4 or 6. It helps to complicate or facilitate the quiz;

UK Road Signs: Test and Theory(圖6)-速報App

*Statistics after each game: the application shows the total number of answers and the percentage of correct answers among them;

UK Road Signs: Test and Theory(圖7)-速報App

*Complete UK Traffic Signs 2020 guide;

UK Road Signs: Test and Theory(圖8)-速報App

*The application does not need access to the Internet;

*The application is optimized for both: phones and tablets;

*Simple and intuitive interface.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad